:: [DNG] OT: Starting bash straight fr…
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Autor: dev
Fecha: 2016-12-06 20:48 -000
A: dng
Asunto: [DNG] OT: Starting bash straight from init?
Hi all,
Sorry this is off-topic for this list, but I don't really know where
I would ask this question.

I've got a Live CD (Ubuntu 14.04) I've remastered and trying to get
an autologin with root shell initiated from init. I can get the shell
started, but the console I/O is a bit wonky. If I type ls and hit
[ENTER], the shell does not seem to see the 's' and only replies
with l: command not found. likewise, typing other commands and hitting
[ENTER] results in missing keystrokes as well. This happens when I
launch this from rc-sysinit.conf:

     exec /bin/bash --login < /dev/console>/dev/console 2>&1

If I use below, console I/O is correct, but something else is amiss
with job control and ioctl:
     exec /sbin/rungetty --autologin root tty0

     - bash: cannot set terminal process group(1132): Inappropiate ioctl 
for device
     - bash: no job control in this shell

Pastebin of my rc-sysinit.conf is here: http://pastebin.com/tWVHYEcb

Thank you for any tips and thank you for all your work on Devuan.
Hopefully I will be remastering Devuan boot CD for my production systems
in the not-so-distant future.