:: Re: [DNG] hplip need systemd
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Autor: Rick Moen
Fecha: 2016-10-05 01:27 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] hplip need systemd
Quoting Go Linux (golinux@???):

> We seem to be in parallel universes. I have all that installed and
> haven't been able to find the HP Device Manager. But let's not hijack
> this topic further . . .

Are you talking about the Qt-based hplip-gui stuff? I'm guessing you

You should have access to the full capabilities of the entire set of
print engine / printer filters _via CUPS_ -- after you've installed
the printer-driver-hpcups and printer-driver-hpijs .debs . HP's
separate hplip-gui aka 'HP Device Manager' (aka 'Toolbox') becomes at
that point superfluous.

The 'hpcups' package furnishes the basic CUPS raster driver (the logical
way to print to many but not all HP inkjet and laster printers). The
'hpijs' package provides the HP InkJet Software (IJS API) support, the
way to reach most HP inket printers and a few laser printers.