:: Re: [DNG] Kernel error requesting U…
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Autor: Brad Campbell
Fecha: 2016-09-20 08:55 -000
A: Edward Bartolo
Cc: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] Kernel error requesting UEFI upgrade.
Please tell me you didn't submit a bug report to the freedesktop project
without popping onto the mailing list to ask for some friendly advice
and/or guidance because that is in no way what I suggested let alone

On 20/09/16 17:53, Edward Bartolo wrote:
> Hi,
> I submitted a bug report as suggested.
> Thanks.
> On 20/09/2016, Brad Campbell <lists2009@???> wrote:
>> On 19/09/16 22:53, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> If DNG administrators consider this email not appropriate for the
>>> list, please delete it.
>>> A kernel error is requesting me to upgrade my HP Probook 4540s UEFI.
>>> The error involves the i915 graphics driver. On another laptop, the
>>> one on which I coded simple-netaid, i915 failed to turn on the
>>> backlight for a whole year. However, at that time I found a workaround
>>> using a kernel parameter. I wish I find another kernel parameter that
>>> prevents the current error. Since DNG is read by many who may have
>>> used kernel parameters to override sloppy firmware implementations, I
>>> am posting here for some help.
>> This is really the wrong place. You want to be reaching out to the i915
>> developers at : dri-devel@???
>> It's not insisting you upgrade UEFI, it's attempting to say "Your BIOS
>> has mis-programmed the GPU. Maybe if you are lucky your vendor might
>> have a newer BIOS that does not do dumb stuff, so try upgrading".
>> My overall experience with this has been that in general the Windows
>> drivers don't care about the issue or else the BIOS would not have made
>> release, so your chances of a viable update are slim to none. Approach
>> the guys who actually write the driver and give them some useful
>> information to work with, and you might be pleasantly surprised with a
>> workaround or fix.
>> Brad
>> --
>> Dolphins are so intelligent that within a few weeks they can
>> train Americans to stand at the edge of the pool and throw them
>> fish.

Dolphins are so intelligent that within a few weeks they can
train Americans to stand at the edge of the pool and throw them