Autor: Miroslav Rovis Datum: 2016-09-19 08:18 -000 To: dng Betreff: Re: [DNG] sans-dbus: was Mass bug filing: use and misuse of
dbus-launch (dbus-x11)
On 160919-12:11+0200, Miroslav Rovis wrote: > ...
> included dev1fanboy -- pls. add Firefox in the list:
> Ooohh... I can't find it now. Upon opening:
> > it tells me:
> The repository for this project is empty And the notice remains so. >
> But I know it exists. So, dev1fanboy, pls. add Firefox (which has been
> ...
> pretty much away from my browsing online) to the list of no-dbus
> supporting browsers.