:: Re: [DNG] simple-netaid-gtk
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Autor: aitor_czr
Fecha: 2016-09-10 05:40 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] simple-netaid-gtk
Hi again,

On 09/10/2016 09:33 AM, aitor_czr wrote:
> Hi,
> On 09/09/2016 11:58 PM, aitor_czr wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working again in the frontend of simple-netaid.
>> It works, but i'm trying to apply custom widgets to it, and i get
>> some bugs.
>> I'm subscribed in the gtkmm-list@???, but replais to the
>> questions are still pending...
>> Cheers,
>> Aitor.
> Solved: i had to set some properties of the widget. I'll inform about
> that in the gtkmm mailing list.
> Cheers,
> Aitor.

My purpose is to include a spinner (during the connection process) in
the same cells of the grid containig the connected/disconnected icons.

