:: Re: [DNG] vagrant and devuan guest
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Autore: Attila Soki
Data: 2016-09-02 06:04 -000
To: dng
Oggetto: Re: [DNG] vagrant and devuan guest

> Am 02.09.2016 um 03:01 schrieb Daniel Reurich <daniel@???>:
> Hi Attila,
> On 01/09/16 23:36, Attila Soki wrote:
>> As far as i understand, vagrant failed to determine which os the guest is running.
> </snip>
>> but, i dont know if there is any interest to solve this problem and then, which one is the preferred way..

> Please File a bug against vagrant. It should handle the case where the
> distrobution vendor is not known. Also Devuan has been around long
> enough that it should have support added to handle Devuan properly
> without retaining a reference to 'Debian' in /etc/issue.

To answer my own question: rtfm.
There is no need to modify anything in devuan in order to make it boot with vagrant. Vagrant has already a configuration option where the guest os can be set when the auto-detection fails.

config.vm.guest = :debian

Of course a devuan plugin would make all this unnecessary.
But before i can file a bug, or maybe create a devuan plugin, i must know which is the preferred way to identify devuan.
grepping /etc/issues
grepping /etc/os-release
