Hi List,
I have keyboard mappings that run when I start X:
$ cat ~/bin/initkb
# Use CapsLock as Ctrl, allow Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace to kill X server
setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
# Don't beep
xset b off
# Disable PrintScreen (by mapping it to BackSpace)
xmodmap -e 'keysym Print = BackSpace'
I notice that after a while, the Caps->Ctrl mapping for the
external keyboard is lost, which I reset by running the
above script.
I tried using cron for this, but the commands need
to be executed in an X environment, which cron
doesn't provide.
I suppose I can trigger it periodically from a script running
in a terminal. I would also like to find out what is
modifying my X keyboard settings.
It's always been that if I disconnect and reconnect an
external keyboard keyboard, the mappings will be lost. That
is reported in
In my case, the loss occurs even without physical
disconnection. Perhaps some other initialization event is
reoccurring? Could udev be to blame? Xorg?
FWIW, I run devuan/jessie with i3 window manager, urxvt with
Gnu screen.
Interesting that it only affects the external keyboard, and
not the laptop's (T430's) built-in keyboard.
Any ideas?
Joel Roth