:: Re: [DNG] Dng Digest, Vol 23, Issue…
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Lähettäjä: Ralph Ronnquist
Päiväys: 2016-08-26 20:49 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] Dng Digest, Vol 23, Issue 103
aitor_czr wrote on 27/08/16 00:00:
> Hi Ralph,
> On 08/26/2016 02:00 PM, Ralph Ronnquist <ralph.ronnquist@???>wrote:
>> So, I took the steps of forking Jude Nelson's vdev on git.devuan.org,
>> ...
> This is what i get trying to register in your website:
>    2 errors prohibited this user from being saved:

> * Email has already been taken
> * Username has already been taken

Ah. I'm afraid it's not _my_ site (yet?:). It's git.devuan.org, and
presumably the matter is that you already have a login..
Sorry about causing confusion.
