:: Re: [DNG] Time sync at startup (was…
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Autor: richard lucassen
Data: 2016-08-14 07:04 -000
Dla: dng
Temat: Re: [DNG] Time sync at startup (was: vdev)
On Sun, 14 Aug 2016 01:20:58 -0700
Rick Moen <rick@???> wrote:

> Quoting richard lucassen (mailinglists@???):
> > I might not have been clear enough. My apologies ;-)
> No worries. As an afterthought, though, wouldn't that problem exist
> equally with ntpdate, though?

No. When ISC ntp is started is runs ntpdate first. When you have a
network problem, the boot process will wait until ntpdate times out.
Then, ntpd starts and is not able to resolve the servers from ntp.conf.
That takes a few minutes. The OpenNTP manpage says:

     -s Try to set the time immediately at startup, as opposed to
slowly adjusting the clock.  ntpd will stay in the foreground for up to
15 seconds waiting for one of the configured NTP servers to reply.

I haven't tried the -s option yet but 15 secs sounds better than a few
minutes. When you have a well working hwclock, you don't need the
option of course.


richard lucassen