:: Re: [DNG] vdev
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Autor: Robert Storey
Fecha: 2016-08-14 03:48 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] vdev
> From: Ralph Ronnquist <ralph.ronnquist@???>
> If it's any help, I've uploaded a bash script as
> www.realthing.com.au/files/vdev/install-gnuinos.vdev.sh which steps
> through all the steps for installing the gnuinos vdev bundle for a
> pristine Devuan 1.0.0 installation. It documents what I did some few
> days ago, and as the debs get updated some steps might not be needed.
> The script is totally uncommented, but fairly straight-forward.

Hi Ralph,

Thanks for your post. It was very helpful.

Actually, a small typo in your message. No problem for me now that I found
it, but for the benefit else who wants to give it a go, the message said
that the script file was named:


That gave me a "file not found" message. It's actually here:


Just the difference of a dot vs. a hyphen

Good script. A million thanks for posting it. I'm going to run it now.
