:: Re: [DNG] vdev
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Autor: Ralph Ronnquist
Data: 2016-08-14 01:23 -000
Para: Robert Storey, dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] vdev
Robert Storey wrote on 14/08/16 12:15:
> Hi All,
> OK, I use Devuan as my main get-work-done distro, so I don't want to risk
> accidentally nuking it. Therefore, I just installed another copy of Devuan
> into a different partition. This is my experimental Devuan - I'm all ready
> to play with vdev now. Before I pull the trigger, I need to clarify the
> procedure...
>> I think it's better to use the deb files that Aitor is creating for us.
>> Just download the deb files here:
>> http://packages.gnuinos.org/pool/main/
> When you say "Just download the deb files" do you mean add them to
> /etc/apt/sources.list? I'm a bit confused. Just to clarify, is this the
> right procedure to install vdev...
> 1) Add a line to my /etc/apt/sources.list file saying...
> deb http://packages.gnuinos.org/pool/main/
> 2) apt-get update
> 3) apt-get install vdev
> Or have I got it completely wrong?

If it's any help, I've uploaded a bash script as
www.realthing.com.au/files/vdev/install-gnuinos.vdev.sh which steps
through all the steps for installing the gnuinos vdev bundle for a
pristine Devuan 1.0.0 installation. It documents what I did some few
days ago, and as the debs get updated some steps might not be needed.

The script is totally uncommented, but fairly straight-forward.
