On Tue, Aug 09, 2016 at 12:04:17AM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> In recent years, as I got progressively more irritated with byzantinely
> overengineered distro-packaged software barging onto my Linux systems, I
> actually checked to see about just, y'know, switching back to lilo. Two
> problems:
> 1. lilo's been orphaned for about half a year (since Dec. 2015).
As far as I can remember, iko's been orphaned at least half a year. But
it just keeps on booting.
> 2. lilo can't support EFI/GPT, only old-school IBM/Microsoft disk
> formatting with an MBR as opposed to GPT, etc.
I use lilo to boot from a floppy. My system (includding /boot) is on a
software RAID within partitions on two EFI disk. It works.
I guess the floppy manages to get around the EFI restrictions?
-- hendrik