:: Re: [DNG] vdev
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Auteur: shraptor
Date: 2016-08-06 10:37 -000
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [DNG] vdev
On 2016-08-06 10:15, aitor_czr wrote:
> Hi,
> On 08/05/2016 09:09 PM, Joel Roth <joelz@???> wrote:
>> Didier Kryn wrote:
>>>> No news from Jude for almost one year :-(
>> Commits to vdev on github are as recent as April this year.
>> Also, I think his continued work depends on feedback from testers.
>>>> I'm partial time reading documentation and sources and
>>> considering
>>>> rolling my own hotplugger, simpler than vdev - Jude has done an
>>> enormous
>>>> work and vdev is a complex software with hundreds of scripts,
>>> too complex
>>>> for me.
>> sysvinit also has lots of scripts!
>> But vdev has 33 not in helpers/ and all of those are fairly
>> simple.
>>>> Reading uevents from netlink and parsing them is easy, but
>>> I'm not sure
>>>> to know what to do with these events. My first conclusion is
>>> that
>>>> when there is MODALIAS=something, then I just have to
>>> modprobe a
>>>> module's alias
>>>> when there is FIRMWARE=something, I just need to transfer
>>> the firmware
>>>> by some well defined API
>>>> otherwise it is more complicated because there are many
>>> different cases
>>>> (not all drivers provide the same uevent contents); but the job
>>> is to
>>>> create/delete a device file, and set owner/permissions and
>>> symlinks; but
>>>> some devices are neither char nor block (eg network devices) and
>>> I don't
>>>> know what to do with them.
>>>> For this reason, I'm tempted to clone mdev and only change
>>> the way it is
>>>> invoked. mdev is spawned for every uevent through the
>>>> /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug mechanism; instead I would prefer one
>>> long-lasting
>>>> daemon reading uevents from netlink. The design of mdev makes
>>> full sense for
>>>> embeded devices, but not for others.
>>>> I'm sure mdev is very well written, because it has been
>>> written,
>>>> maintained, and reviewed by highly skilled professionals. I have
>>> also found
>>>> a netlink reader at Skarnet, which is certainly written with
>>> great care but
>>>> does not seem very usefull since it just forwards the uevents to
>>> standard
>>>> output as they come; but It might be instructive to look if it
>>> uses any
>>>> special trick to read the netlink.
>>>> Any suggestions are welcome - there are still a lot of
>>> devices I don't
>>>> know anything about.
>> It's your decision to write your own. However Jude's work is
>> technically interesting, and can be tested without changing
>> out udev.
>> Perhaps it just needs some additional user help in the form
>> of documentation, tutorials, etc.
>> have fun,
>> Joel
> As i announced yersterday in the IRC Channel, i just uploaded the
> repository of gnuinos containing (in addition to linux-libre-4.6.2 and
> simple-netaid) the packages of vdev:
> deb http://packages.gnuinos.org/ jessie main
> deb-src http://packages.gnuinos.org/ jessie main

So does it work with devuan then?

Can you go past the login screen?

> Linux-libre has been built using libudev-dev. Now, i'll try it again
> using Jude Nelson's *libudev-compat* (which should be recalled to
> libudev-compat-dev ?? ), instead of libudev-dev.
> I also should add the following line to debian/control:
> Provides: libudev-dev
> Cheers,
> Aitor.
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