On Wed, Aug 03, 2016 at 12:49:44PM +0100, Rowland Penny wrote:
> A quick trawl of the internet led to an interesting fact, systemd now
> mounts /etc read-only and if /etc/resolv.conf doesn't exist, systemd
> creates a dangling symlink.
> You couldn't make this up, why O why make /etc read only ?????
That's quite silly, I am not indeed interested in what the
systemd-folks have decide to throw in the face of their users, but I
guess that nothing prevents you from remounting /etc rw, or maybe
there is also a way of telling systemd that you'd prefer to have /etc
mounted always rw? Another option would be to not have a separate
What would be quite dangerous is having systemd decide autonomously
whether a certain partition should be mounted in ro or not, or worse,
forcing the users to have /etc in a separate partiton, so that systemd
can decide to mount it ro. Again, useless complications to solve
non-existing problems in the most stupid way possible...
[ ~.,_ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ - GLUGCT -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ "+. katolaz [at] freaknet.org --- katolaz [at] yahoo.it ]
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