Quoting Simon Walter (simon@???):
> Which is why it could be construed that you disagree with a fork of
> Debian - a for of Debian as in "A fork of Debian that could be said
> to have been started because the default init system in Debian
> became systemd." - that fork of Debian - not a theoretical fork.
You know, if you are going to call 'In my opinion, the goals of this
project could have been achieved through less-arduous means' _opposition_
to the project -- a project I explicitly like and appreciate -- then
that is fanaticism, IMO, and we have nothing more to discuss.
Fortunately, I am reasonably certain you don't speak for the Devuan
Project in this regard.
Cheers, Grossman's Law: "In time of crisis, people do not rise to
Rick Moen the occasion. They fall to the level of their training."
rick@??? http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/lexicon.html#grossman
McQ! (4x80)