:: Re: [DNG] Why Debian 8 Pinning is (…
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Lähettäjä: Rick Moen
Päiväys: 2016-07-29 19:57 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] Why Debian 8 Pinning is (or isn't) pointless
Quoting Jaromil (jaromil@???):

[much snipped]

Jaromil, you are a prince.

Yes, I am sarcastic and inclined to mock when I think something is
fanatical and/or purblind. I am often wrong, and all too often woefully
undercaffeinated. I also have a nasty habit of backing people into
corners, which I need to stop doing.

Which is to say, all too human (or perhaps I'm a commentbot masquerading
as a human), but not the enemy of anyone here, and not posting just to
provoke or annoy.

> At last, I for one need to recognise my error in interpreting Rick's
> article as a denigration of Devuan.

Well, I perfectly understand the urge to initially say 'Oh, not another
net.random slagging us unfairly'. You're busy; I don't expect you to
drop everything just because I put up a Web page. Actually, I applaud
your having until today worked on Devuan rather than reading my
doodlings. It's a lot more important.

> But also I think: Rick you may want to update it now that the
> systemd-shim is falling unmaintained (see golinux mail), since a lot
> of the assumptions you put forward won't be really sustainable anymore
> on the long term.

That's a good idea. I'll do that.