:: Re: [DNG] Why Debian 8 Pinning is (…
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Auteur: Rick Moen
Datum: 2016-07-28 21:50 -000
Aan: dng
Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] Why Debian 8 Pinning is (or isn't) pointless
Quoting Steve Litt (slitt@???):

> > Who's the Tory of the Blind Man and the Elephant? Theresa May? ;->

Quoted to remind people that I never learned who this mysterious
Conservative Party MP is. Curious Minds Want to Know.[tm]

> Which brings us full circle. Simon doesn't want to keep playing these
> games, wondering what kind of workaround he'll need next, as Lennart
> decides to subsume yet another Linux functionality, or Debian's "DDs"
> make yet another poor decision on dependencies. So he chose to go with
> the fork.

Great, he 'doesn't want'.

Now that that's settled, what is he going to _do_, to achieve what he says
he _does_ want. And when I say 'do', I don't mean the
ranting-on-mailing lists part, but rather actually do.

> I don't have the tech chops to know all the various ways Lennart can
> screw up my life, nor do I have the technical chops to know (without
> huge experimentation) how to work around Lennart's latest incursion.

Well, gosh, you _could_ read my Web page.

That's what I wrote it for. However, cannot lead the horse to water, of

> I know the incursions will keep on coming....

Yes, the sky is always falling. News at 11.

> And then there's this: I don't know anything about Simon's feelings,
> but Debian's actions of 2014 disgust me.

That's nice. Me, I'm a bit busy managing systems. Which involves
mostly dealing with software and making things work. There have been
times in the past when you've written a few things about that, too.

> For me, continuing to use Debian is an impossibility.

Yes, we know you're a Void Linux user. Thus all the extremely
impassioned Devuan fervour. ;->