:: Re: [DNG] How can I help ?
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Lähettäjä: Karl Zomo
Päiväys: 2016-07-25 11:41 -000
Kopio: Dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] How can I help ?
thanks for the tips

Last week I made a deb network-manager without systemd and I have it
running in xfce or kde.

If interested, I can provide the diffs to devuan.

I will try with simple-netaid, but this is different to rebuild an existing


2016-07-25 6:42 GMT-03:00 Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???>:

> Hi Karl,
> I am the person who wrote simple-netaid. If you want, I offer to help you.
> Edward
> --
> Those who abuse me will be banned immediately from my email account.
> Here, I am communicating with supposedly intelligent adults who are
> responsible for their actions.