Steve Litt wrote:
* Readability over pretty.
* Quick Contextual recognition over pretty.
* Readability over real estate efficiency of the screen.
* Quick clickability over pretty.
* Keystroke access over not bothering to program same.
* Noticibly different color titlebar for focused window.
* Reasonable sized titlebars with big devices like close, max, hide
and windowshade.
* Window designs capable of functioning with big fonts.
* Instantly noticible borders. I use 2px cyan borders on the focused
* Text with big contrast. Black on white, black on f0f0f0, black or
darkblue on ffffcc, or white, bright yellow or bright green on black
are ideal.
* Never assume red and green will contrast with each other: Red/green
color blindness is the most common form of color blindness.
* Ideally, the text should still contrast if all color is converted to
shades of gray.
* Active buttons should be instantly recognizable (Firefox hang your
head in shame).
* Bold mouse pointer. Mouse tracks are nice, but I haven't seen them in
I am another person who does not have the luxury of a good eyesight.
Dark themes and transparencies irritate my eyes. The symptom is often
burning eyes after about half an hour of exposure.
Please, consider those less fortunate individuals who do not have the
freedom to use whatever theme they are presented with.
I also have to set my font sizes to a larger than normal size. This is
why I use a 17.3 inch laptop even though it costs me double the price
of other more popular laptops.
Using stronger lenses does not solve my eyesight issues.
Those who abuse me will be banned immediately from my email account.
Here, I am communicating with supposedly intelligent adults who are
responsible for their actions.