:: Re: [DNG] Cannot install Samba on J…
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Autor: Rowland Penny
Fecha: 2016-07-20 11:24 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] Cannot install Samba on Jessie
On 20/07/16 14:10, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jul 2016 12:15:27 +0100, Rowland wrote in message
> <578F5D4F.2020602@???>:
>> On 20/07/16 12:11, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
>>> On Wed, 20 Jul 2016 22:48:20 +1200, Daniel wrote in message
>>> <578F56F4.6060903@???>:
>>>> Hi Rowland,
>>>> We have a bug in amprolla that prevents all parts of the 4.2
>>>> version from being available so the install fails.
>>>> Add Debians jessie security repo temporarily to your sources.list
>>>> to get around the issue.
>>>> Regards,
>>>>     Daniel.
>>> ..as these conventions come and go these days, can you imagine
>>> Hillary giving the Donald, or Putin etc similar access to her
>>> email servers? ;oD  Even temporarily? ;oD

>> Why bother posting a reply that had absolutely nothing to do with the
>> subject ?????
> ..3 reasons, Devuan is much too naïve about our origin, Debian/systemd
> banana republic politics, Devuan is still much too naïve about relying
> on Debian resources such as security etc repositories, and AFAICT we
> still rely on the naïve assumption the Debian/systemd guys will be nice
> and carry on calling libsystemd0 libsystemd0 and not hide it somewhere
> else to sink us.
> ..the fact that things works temporarily,
> is precisely that, a temporary fact.

I am beginning to think you are a troll.
