:: Re: [DNG] with or without libsystem…
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Lähettäjä: Arnt Gulbrandsen
Päiväys: 2016-07-20 10:03 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] with or without libsystemd0
Didier Kryn writes:
> Le 20/07/2016 12:51, Rowland Penny a écrit :
>> libsystemd0 doesn't run anything, it just provides code.
>     Funny! What does this code "do". Is it just returning  
> dummy values without doing anythig more? I have doubts.

You misunderstand. The code doesn't contain dlopen(), execve() or other
ways to run plugins, daemons, helpers, etc. If you link with it, WYSIWYG.
It's quite unlike systemd, which loads so many plugins, daemons and helpers
that you have no real way to S what that you G.

I'd rather not have libsystemd0. Every unneeded file is one extra thing to
check when there's a bug, etc. I'm just saying that libsystemd0 is not
horrendous in the way systemd is.
