:: Re: [DNG] Need for documentation (S…
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Skribent: Go Linux
Dato: 2016-07-15 04:04 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Need for documentation (Steve Litt)
On Thu, 7/14/16, Robert Storey <robert.storey@???> wrote:

Subject: Re: [DNG] Need for documentation (Steve Litt)
To: dng@???
Date: Thursday, July 14, 2016, 10:33 PM

On Wed, 13 Jul 2016 22:39:34 -0400
Steve Litt <slitt@???> wrote:

>> Golinux told me that to change the window manager, when on the login
>> screen, you repeatedly press F1 to cycle through the installed window
>> managers. I confirm this, and will document it.
>> However, I think somebody from Devuan should add to the login window's
>> graphic (the stylized lightgreen and darkergreen Login graphic) the
>> string "Press F1 to switch window managers." Today's computers should
>> be discoverable, and this is just too easy not to do. I'd do it myself
>> but I don't know which graphic, and probably my modification would be
>> an aesthetic step backward.
> Thanks for posting this, it's an issue I wanted to raise but glad someone else brought it up first.
> I've got a couple of other issues with the login screen that I was going to bring up, and now is as > good a time as any...
> If there is some other option for reboot/shutdown, I can't think of it at the moment.


>From /usr/share/doc/slim/README :

    Special usernames (commands configurable in the config file):
    - console: start console login
    - exit: exit SLiM
    - halt: halt the system
    - reboot: reboot the system
