著者: Adam Borowski 日付: 2016-07-14 21:14 -000 To: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] Raspberry Pi 3
On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 04:34:55PM -0400, Brian Nash wrote: > The way I got Devuan on my RPI3 was by installing the normal Raspbian
> distro, then adding the armhf Devuan repositories to
> /etc/apt/sources.list, then re-installing everything and purging systemd.
Ie, the same way most folks install De{bi,vu}an on any random arm box :p
(In my case, Odroid-U2 and Omega OAN133 laptop.)
> For testing, I switched to using the PI as my general-purpose computer,
> and nothing has gone wrong yet. (it's been a few months)
Interesting, what are your experiences?
I've once pondered doing this on Odroid-U2 (RPi1 era, less than twice the
price, 8x the RAM, ~5x the IO, 4x cores, 3x nominal CPU speed, 16x compile
speed) yet the one I got has apparently damaged graphics card; shipping it
back to Korea for replacement would cost almost as much as buying a new one
so I gave up and use it headless only. (Back then it could be bought only
direct from the manufacturer.)
However, these days there's a new hard requirement for me: dual monitor
support. Having just one feels like tunnel vision... It seems there _is_
a way to get dual monitors on RPi (but not other ARMs): "Gert VGA adapter"
(having one HDMI one VGA is fine for me, I stock up old 1280x1024 monitors
for sane aspect ratio). I wonder how well would this work in practice.
An imaginary friend squared is a real enemy.