著者: Rick Moen 日付: To: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] Why Debian 8 Pinning is (or isn't) pointless
Quoting Harald Arnesen (harald@???):
> Rick Moen [2016-07-14 11:24]:
> > [1] 'litte-datamashin' is my laptop (hostname means 'little computer' in
> > Norwegian).
> Sorry, no. In Norwegian, that would be 'liten datamaskin'.
I know. The 'h' was a typo -- and I spotted it with considerable chagrin
just after posting. (I was far too tired.)
The hyphen is there as a compromise because names of things in Unix
ought not to have embedded space characters (and I don't know whether
embedded space characters in hostnames are valid, and don't wish to find
(Dad was from Kristiansund, and his mother was from Oslo.)