Autor: Simon Walter Fecha: 2016-07-11 22:50 -000 A: dng Asunto: Re: [DNG] [Kali Linux 0003165]: Find a way to disable most services
by default with systemd
On 07/12/2016 06:06 AM, Jaromil wrote: >
> Mostly for historical reasons, I'm posting here below the trace of a
> Kali Linux bug that has just been deleted from their tracker.
> Forensic distros are useful for many reasons. When minimal they can be
> also more reliable, I guess most people here convenes. So now I'm
> trying to get the Parrot OS developers interested in having a spin
> based on Devuan, with no success. Unfortunately Their parrot-build
> scripts are admittedly still incomplete to reproduce a release.
> Anyone here has a strong (perhaps professional, hence sustainable)
> interest in a forensic distro without systemd?
Oddly enough, I gave Kali a go yesterday. I haven't used it since it was
Backtrack and was surprised to see everything all GNOMEd up and juicy
and sparkling with lag and useless eye candy. Right away I checked to
see if they cared enough to remove systemd. Nope. I shut her down and
kept going with nmap for the time being - and until I educate myself on
some of the new toys. Right now I don't have time for fancy toys
especially if they spend all their time being fancy and sparkling.
Yes, I would love to have a toolbox for pen testing that was minimal.
Mind you, I don't do pen testing for a living - it's just a turf check.