:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Anonymous - Official…
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著者: Özer Tayiz
日付: 2016-07-09 01:39 -000
To: System undo crew
題目: Re: [unSYSTEM] Anonymous - Official announcement for the worldwide Humanity Party
(Prematurely clicked send button, continuing long email)

You see where all these are going? All these technologies empower the
people to be free, and restrict governments to control people.

Some day someone will make metal 3-d printer cheap. Then gun control laws
will totally be obsolete.

People can now make their tractors themselves, at 1/10 cost of a commercial

See their whole "civilization construction kit" of 50 machines. They are
pretty good at that.

And tractor can be modified to be a backhoe or a bulldozer, because it is
all modular and open source.

You discount "going living in an isolated farm won't achieve anything". But
community of around 200 people can achieve a lot. If average family unit is
4 people, that is 50 houses.

See this from FAQ of opensourceecology:

"What is your end state or vision?[edit]
Our vision is a world where every community has access to an open source
Fab Lab which can produce all the things that one currently finds at a
Walmart cost-effectively, quickly, on-demand from local resources. We
envision these Labs being self-replicating and multiplying like rabbits.
This would be a giant leap for distributive economics – where resource
constraints no longer apply. People would then have a chance to shift a
significant portion of their energy to interests beyond mere survival. The
end state is super-skilled workers, free of control from remote power
centers, as people in communities regain their power to thrive without
strings attached to their happiness. The scope of production should include
everything from food to fuels and energy to semiconductors and metals.

What is the minimum size of a community that can attain absolute prosperity
and autonomy?[edit]
Our analysis indicates that about 200 people would suffice to produce all
the items present in modern civilization, including semiconductor and
microelectronics fabrication up to the level of 1990s technology. The
analysis involves assessing the range of the various material and product
needs of civilization, along with the labor/machine/skill requirements for
each product."

A lot was achievable with 1990's technology, from fighter jets to nukes, to
anti aircraft missiles. Two world wars have been waged by 20's and 40's

And in time, as open source technology develops, that 25 year gap will
close. I do believe in less than 40-50 years, the most effective defensive
weapons will be open source. Just like the most effective servers are now
open source.

Think of S-400 or similar tech of today, freely available to anyone to
produce, at the push of a button for under $5000 cost or something.

My vision is that a defensive voluntary free market force, would be able to
provide regional defense at maybe %1 cost of today's modern military cost.
I think that would be because of 2 factors

1) Cost savings of open source technology

2) Threat levels will drop as free markets grow. Free markets work best to
eradicate poverty, and most crime is caused by vast wealth inequalities.

And that is basically my dream for the future and why I am here. :D

I hope that helps to clarify my position and any suspicion that I'm a
government agent or anything. :P

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 8:20 PM, Özer Tayiz <otayiz@???> wrote:

> I don't believe in anarcho-pacifism. I believe in anarcho-capitalism, or
> agorism. And countereconomics.
> Meaning, I believe we will stop government oppression, even wars, by
> creating voluntary free market solutions that will make government laws and
> regulations obsolete.
> I'll give small simple examples from what has already happened, then
> extrapolate my vision into the future.
> You know there were a lot of copyright legal fights against P2P file
> sharing. Edonkey and similar programs, and the companies that sold the
> programs, have been sued and shot down. Then someone created bittorrent
> protocol. And basically, copyright laws became obsolete and unenforceable.
> There were a lot of "gun control laws" discussions in USA. One such law,
> banning the sales of magazines with more capacity than 10 rounds, have been
> obsolete, before it even passed congress. By 3-d printed guns initiative,
> the defense distributed guys.
> There were other talks of banning sales of AR-15's. Then "ghost gunner"
> came into market, to mill AR-15 lower receivers at the push of a button. In
> US, legally that part is the rifle. All other parts can be bought and sold
> without any license or registration or limitation, but this part. Then you
> can put all parts together to make your own AR-15.
> The federal reserve in USA is fighting against cash, gold, silver, to be
> used as money. They want everything to go through banks. So that they can
> control everything financially, through the centralized banking system.
> Then comes the bitcoin protocol. All of a sudden there is an alternative
> that people can use. They don't have to use fiat money. And now there are
> hundreds of more projects, different cryptocurrencies.
> Then government tries to censor or control Internet. People realize
> freedom of information and communication is an essential freedom, a
> foundation of all other freedoms. Because "none is more hopelessly enslaved
> than those who think they are free". People start a project to combine a
> free internet with a free payment system and there comes Ethereum. And
> similar projects, meshnets, darknets with similar goals. Now a total
> control of internet information flow is almost impossible.
> You see where all these are going? All these technologies empower the
> people to be free, and restrict governments to control people.
> Some day someone will make metal 3-d printer cheap. Then gun control laws
> will totally be obsolete.
> People can now make their tractors themselves, at 1/10 cost of a
> commercial tractor:
> See:
> http://opensourceecology.org/
> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 6:54 PM, psy <epsylon@???> wrote:
>> Well, I think that you are talking about different ideas than Amir,
>> Jaromil,...
>> >Your delusion is: "If an Anarchist was a King, everything would be
>> >better".
>> >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0HtWSlFCAQ
>> That video is nice for teens and people starting to discover anarchism.
>> Basically it is about try to don't get engage to the power or
>> participate and try to convince others to follow that doctrine. This is
>> called anarcho-pacifism. And is a really nice theory but cannot be apply
>> to real practice world. It is simple, because is based on that all
>> population has a reasonable mind and can choose with similar criterion
>> than others which nowadays is a fallacy. So it sounds good, but hasn't
>> so much sense...
>> We can talk about other anarcho-tactics. And some include politics as a
>> tool, not as an end to reach. That's because individuals cannot fight
>> alone against society problems and anarchism is general a very pragmatic
>> knowledge. To give external support for some political parties is a
>> need. Not a mod to be chosen..
>> Take care also with individualism (ego) when you talk about that you are
>> the only political subject of your life. Some liberalism theories
>> approve that way. We should have some red lines between individuals and
>> communities. And then should be really clear.
>> Imagine that we go for your theory. Do you go to convince to violent
>> people to stop being violent?. Are they gonna stop war because we talk
>> with them?. We hope than yes. But probably this will not happen never.
>> So we need to take down first a system of violence. And for that we have
>> different ways. By using violence or by using politics. Occam style can
>> solve it.
>> Depending about your choice, we can talk more about "anarchism".
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