:: Re: [unSYSTEM] #GlobalDebout
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Autor: Özer Tayiz
A: System undo crew
Asunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] #GlobalDebout
Dude, you're still there?

Yeah, because wikipedia is a very reliable source of information. If it is
there, it must be true. It cannot possibly have its own bias, in such a
highly political topic like genocides.


If you love PKK and their rebellion so much, why don't you grab an AK-47,
go to rojova, fight by their side? Keyword warrior much?

In the meantime, please also explore Turkish people killed by Armenians, in
a time of war and conflict. Also search for ASALA terrorists killing
Turkish diplomats. By the way, Turkey hasn't even been founded till 1923.
Before than, it was Ottomans.

Me, I don't want anything to do with any of those wars, I ran away from all
of it, that's why I'm living in Ecuador. As a Turkish citizen, if I wanted
to, I could be fighting in the mountains, for any side I chose to. I
didn't. Instead I ran away. It's not my fight, not my circus, not my

Your single-sided mentality blinds you to the facts of the situation, and
you are blaming me for things I've never said or done.

Make no mistake: PKK is a fascist dictatorship with one man, Abdullah
Ocalan at the top of the hierarchy. Denounce him as a leader, cross him,
disagree with him, tell that he's a baby killing terrorist, tell openly
that he doesn't represent you, or your best interests, and you'll be
killed. No human rights, and no democratic process with a terrorist fascist

Yes, Tayyip now supports ISIS. You know why? Because USA/CIA wants him to,
and he is a puppet of CIA/Mossad.


All the wars you see in middle east are proxy wars. Wars between
USA-UK-ISRAEL vs Russia-China-Iran etc. Over oil and gas and productive
farmland and water.

Russia supports Esad, USA supports ISIS. In the conflict, people who suffer
worst are those who want no part of any wars, take no sides, but live in
peace and freedom.

You talk about "genocide in my country" where there are a lot of Kurdish
people in some of the highest places in government, some of the richest
industries, some of the most influential people are of Kurdish origin. I
have many Kurdish friends -along with friends from 50+ different ethnic
backgrounds, laz, çerkez, azeri, boşnak, tatar, arap, kırgız vs-. Some of
my best Kurdish friends will tell you PKK does not represent them and are a
violent terrorist fascist organization.

How many kurdish people have you actually known? How many Turkish people
have you personally known? How many Armenian people have you known? I have
friends and relatives from all those groups. Lets just say, I know a few
things that you'll never find on wikipedia. Nor they will ever make to any
mainstream news station.

You're getting all worked up for things you don't even know anything about.
And you have no control over.

What are you aiming to accomplish with these endless arguments?

Say, if I agreed with you "Give half of Turkey to the Kurds", would that
change anything? It is not even mine to give.

No one is asking me how it could be solved, anyways.

Geez. Get your sh1t together man. Don't you have anything better to do,
than arguing against strangers online? About things you know nothing about
and cite wikipedia? *lol*

I don't know how one person can both call himself an anarchist, and then
support a violent fascist terrorist organization with a rigid dictatorial
hierarchy with so much vigor. Is this part of your "I'll rule the world as
an Anarchist King" self-conflicting fantasy? You think if you support them
you'll win and gain more power?

Non-aggression principle does not apply to terrorists if they claim to
"fight for freedom" in your book? Even if they kill innocent population,
including babies in the crib, to achieve their political goals? Ocalan is
called baby killer for a reason.

Anarchy: No Archons, no ruling hierarchy.

ME: I don't want any government at all. I don't want any terrorist either.
I want a free market anarchy, I'm an agorist. I believe technology,
bitcoins, ethereum, darknet, mesh networks, 3d printing, production
machines (like cnc mills, laser cutters etc) getting cheaper and more free
(open hardware, like opensourceecology.orh), will change the world and make
it free. To the point that neither Tayyip Erdogan nor Abdullah Ocalan nor
Obama nor Putin cannot possibly exist. If anyone wanted to "rule over
others" he would be laughed at. Or put into an insane asylium.

Sorry if that also conflicts with your plans to be the "Anarchist King" of
the world.

I have to break it to you, but freedom won't be achieved by terrorism. And
Santa Claus and tooth fairy are not real. :P

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Amir <amir@???> wrote:

> Don't forget the 4th biggest genocide in history:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_genocides_by_death_toll
> 3 of the top 10 genocides are by glorious Turkey.
> This was your quote: "The Turks did have their crimes, so did Armenians."
> Özer Tayiz:
> > The greatest genocide in history was possibly the mass murder of 100
> > million american indians, when america was "discovered", but you won't
> read
> > about it much in any US public school history book. Or the history book
> of
> > any US allies. Because USA has the biggest military now.
> Oh yeah and in Turkey you won't read anything about how the Turkish
> state was founded on genocide, how Erdogan supports ISIS and the brutal
> ongoing killings of Kurds in Nusaybin and Cizre.
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-l-phillips/research-paper-isis-turke_b_6128950.html
> Picture of Nusaybin city centre:
> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CknLJKeWEAAt3JC.jpg:large
> Do you see the Nazi-esque flags in a city they've destroyed.
> The people are saying NO! they don't want the Turkish military. This
> horseshit about a few fanatical terrorists ignores the massive levels of
> support they are getting from the population who sees them as the true
> protectors and heroes resisting against the occupiers.
> "From Fascist to anti-militarist: An interview with a Turkish ex-soldier"
> https://corporatewatch.org/news/2016/may/16/fascist-anti-militarist-interview-turkish-ex-soldier
> This is the best explanation of the dynamics for our neutral observers.
> It is spot on about explaining Turkish nationalism and the mental hoops
> Turks go through to justify tolerance of genocide against "separatist
> Kurds" mumbling bullshit conspiracy theories and playing the victim card
> - despite being a top member of NATO who together with Saudi Arabia
> funds Islamic groups to topple regimes and maintain their balance of
> power against Iran and Russia.
> This is the worst crime in the middle east happening now. Every person
> in Turkey who is ignorant and chooses to remain ignorant, supporting
> their government by taking Erdogan's side is complicit in the mass rape
> of young Yezidi girls and the mass killing of Yezidi boys when IS invaded.
> It was the Turkish backed Peshmerga that went and disarmed the Yezidis.
> Then when ISIS invaded, they ran away leaving the people defenseless. It
> was the YPG and PKK who liberated Yezidi girls and families in a highly
> risky operation. And then they setup Yezidi local defense forces now,
> and it is Turkey and the Peshmerga who are opposing them. They are
> threatening military action and bombing fighters there who exist to
> defend themselves against ISIS. Turkey gives support to ISIS, treating
> them in their hospitals, giving them money and allowing their fighters
> to cross the borders in and out.
> There's plenty of this stuff around, just start reading if you don't
> believe me.
> So it's a bit rich when you start talking about US genocide that
> happened centuries ago when there is a genocide happening now in your
> country that you refuse to accept. Not only that but you excuse & deny
> older genocides in Turkey, and deny the holocaust.
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