:: [unSYSTEM] Lack of Belief, Lack of …
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Auteur: Amir
Date: 2016-07-06 09:07 -000
À: System undo crew
Sujet: [unSYSTEM] Lack of Belief, Lack of Spiritualism, God is Dead
For those still not yet convinced that we're in a moment of transition,
locked in ideological struggle.


"The clear finding was that people with a higher level of education are
in general more likely to say that suicide attacks against Westerners in
Iraq are justified. I have also broken this pattern down by income
level. There is no indication that people with higher incomes are less
likely to say that sui­cide-bombing attacks are justified."

"But liberalism is universal!" they say. "How could anyone not want to
be rich, safe and prosperous?" they say.

"The least supportive group turned out to be the unemployed, 74 percent
of whom said they support or strongly back armed attacks. By comparison,
the support level for merchants and professionals was 87 percent."

The classic economic analysis is that rich, prosperous lives will not
commit terrorism because they have more to lose from involvement.

However this is reductionist and a hold-over from the industrial age
where we see everything through materialist rationality. The worst part
of this religion (which it is) is that everyone finds fulfillment
through comfort and wealth. People = Profit maximizers

Modernist philosophies based on rationalism, turning humans into robots
subjugated by authoritative knowledge have hollowed out our spirit and
desire. This violent backlash against globalising universal "human
values" is an extreme reaction to a totalizing corruption of the
domination that we face.

Worse than a boot stomping on our face, we suffer a brutalization of our
minds from birth normalizing us into moral slavery and decadence. It is
so extreme, that now these movements (Trump, IS, Brexit, Occupy, ...)
are the growing efforts at a break-out of modernity. Unfortunately they
are based on the same roots of modernity and have no hope for
transforming our condition.

Unless anarchist movements are able to formulate a coherent response and
framework, they will remain insignificant in these formative times. This
is the biggest task facing the anarchists. However the current work is
pitiful and almost philistine.

There's no real sense of an organized movement that aims for political
power. Just a vague hand-waving sense of inspiring people to
self-organize and an idolization of disconnected individuals under the
fake guise of "non-hierarchy". This is not anarchism. This is
degeneracy. Going to live on a farm or protesting everyday isn't going
to overturn the political order and push anarchism. It needs hard
concerted work including education, focused study, organization,
resources and action.