:: Re: [DNG] Azadi, or: the art of civ…
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Skribent: Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Dato: 2016-07-05 07:45 -000
Til: dng
Gamle-emner: [DNG] Azadi, or: the art of civil-isation (was: Re: systemd==bad)
Emne: Re: [DNG] Azadi, or: the art of civil-isation
On 20.02.2016 18:37, Florian Zieboll wrote:

> This reminds me so much of this infamous west german thought-
> terminating cliché to counter any kind of criticism towards the free
> (as in "free software"?) market economy:

s/free market/uncontrolled capitalism/g;

there's no such thing as a "free market", never been in (recorded)
human history. market economy always needs a *careful* balance of
regulation vs. individual freedom - otherwise it easily collapses
into fascism (quite exactly what we see now).

> "Geh' doch in den Osten, wenn's Dir nicht passt!"

Yeah, probably the same kind of people who exported their shallow
end of the gene pool to us ... now they have to learn their lesson
w/ Erika :p

By the way, the "east" (actually it's _central_ :p) is probably the
primary driving force in the current revolution. We did it once, and
we'll do it a second time.

> which translates to something like "Just go to the Soviets if you don't
> like it!"

Well, in the current situation, the HQ of the "Soviets" is probably
Bruxels ... well, the Britans did us a big favour by hitten the
EUDSSR hard w/ brexit. I'd guess the Gallians are probably next to
directly stand up against the empire (they're already are almost in
civil war) ...
