:: Re: [DNG] polkit - which one?
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Συντάκτης: Ozi Traveller
Ημερομηνία: 2016-06-28 19:42 -000
Προς: Didier Kryn
Υ/ο: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] polkit - which one?
Hi All

Both udevil and spacefm are in wheezy-backports!


On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 10:15 PM, Didier Kryn <kryn@???> wrote:

> Le 28/06/2016 12:24, emninger@??? a écrit :
>> Am Mon, 27 Jun 2016 12:00:02 +0000
>> schrieb dng-request@???:
>>       Thanks for pointing me to udevil (I've already read about it on
>>> this list, but never looked at it before). Looks pretty simple. I'm
>>> considering writing a script which would invoke udevil for
>>> mount/umount and do the same as sudox for other cases. The idea is to
>>> put that script in /usr/bin/local and a link to it in /usr/bin, named
>>> pkexec. I hope to be able to remove policykit with that.

>> Let me (let us) know your solution!!! I'd be highly willed to applicate
>> it. May, when & if you finish it, you could do a little how-to?
>     I've already written a little C program which has the same calling
> syntax as pkexec and will invoke udevil if the command is mount or umount,
> and sudo -A otherwise. I have added this -A because, in general, one needs
> some dialog window for sudo to read the password. Not tested yet. Still
> developping on Debian-wheezy, which hasn't udevil or spacefm packages.

>     It should be enough to put it in /user/local/bin/pkexec to bypass the
> 'official' pkexec before removing it completely :-) By chance many authors
> rather invoke pkexec than link to polkit library.

>     I'll eventually try to understand what the sudox script is doing and
> reproduce it in my C program - I'm a very bad scripter.

>     Didier

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