:: [unSYSTEM] Declaration Of Independe…
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Aihe: [unSYSTEM] Declaration Of Independence of Atlantis
SAVING ALL RACES - The Declaration of Independence of ATLANTIS!

(version alpha14)

I hereby declare the creation of the sovereign entity that tentatively shall
be known as the Nation of Atlantis.

We are a globally distributed meritocratic democracy. Membership is open to
all species of mankind, in fact, all intelligent entities that share our two
unifying key principals:

    We believe that intelligent life has a right to determine its own future; 
which especially means that the only acceptable form of manipulation of that 
entity's will is by presenting argument consisting only of a full objective 
revelation of absolute truth honestly available. "We know better", "trust us", 
Etc., are all absolutely immoral.

    We believe that every entity that is not an active enemy has the right to 
exist. This specifically means that every human race and species has the right 
to exist as distinct races and species. Speciation is how evolution works. 
Species have a right to exist. To deny them that right is genocide. Armenians, 
Japanese, Swedish, Kenyans, Etc., all are natural allies of each other in 
preserving their species against the genocidal globalist parasites.

That is right: Jews who want to remain Jewish, Muhammad Ali who publicly
stated he wanted his kids to be black (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=oVpfcq4pV5U) and agreed Caucasian?s should have the same right, Europeans
who do not want their own nations (and people) to be destroyed, Japanese,
Kenyans, Etc, everyone who wants their kids to look like themselves, all of us
are inherent ALLIES! BY BLOOD! We are allies in preserving our blood lines!
Our beautifully diverse human blood lines! Let us not destroy human diversity
under the guise of celebrating it! It is not the African/Arabs/Etc?s who
actively are attacking our blood line! It is the parasites who usurped control
of our nations and opened our borders and fund wars in the others? countries
driving them here! I am hereby calling for all races to unite in a world wide

Is loving the beauty of the diversity that our Creator purposely created (some
would say at the tower of Babel) a sin? Or is the real evil the purposeful
destruction of that diversity that God has created!

If your bloodline is already mixed, then you are a hybrid. If there are many
hybrids of similar ratio to you, then you are already a group that may wish to
form collectives like essentially all other races naturally do. There is
nothing necessarily wrong with an individual choosing to mix even; the problem
is more the rate of mixing, and most especially the forced mixing (?forced-
integration?) which uses the coercive tactics such as mentioned near the end
of this declaration. Forced integration is genocide. People are free to mix,
as that is one way that good traits can be shared across races in evolution;
too high a rate of mixing however destroys the separate species, thus
destroying the genetic diversity that drives evolution's creativity. Likely,
some mixed groups will get together and form their own mixed nations ? some
even where all mixes are welcome. Other mixes will want to diverge off into
their own unique combination. The Amish have a right to diverge if they want;
they play correctly, letting their children leave with the Rumspringa
tradition of their culture. If two races want to mix, that is up to them. But
if individuals from those races don?t want to hybridize, they want to see
their species continue in their descendents, then it is their right to stay
distinct, and to raise their children with an education and culture that
strongly teaches them to do the same. That is how evolution and culture work.
That is the right of cultures and races. It is their genome, their destiny,
their decision. Your value is not to destroy my race. It is to have a good
life. My value is not to prevent your good life. My value is to not have my
race destroyed. We are not in conflict. Let us work together to make this world
better for everyone.

We are therefor a fractal nation of the Human genus.

We are organized as sub nations who are all allied in one uniting purpose: to
free the world from necessary evil.

We recognize the current human situation is that of an occupied people.
Humanities sovereignty has been usurped by tyrants who rule by subversive
means. The parasites claim that humans are unfit to know and control their own
destiny. Humans are lied to in order to manipulate them for what are the
inherently selfish purposes of the parasites who usurped humanities self-
determination. There is no democracy for humanity; for the topics debated are
only false justifications for the parasite?s real hidden agendas.

Thus, it is evident that it is the parasites that engineer the environment to
make evil easier and more seemingly necessary. They engineer the wars, Etc.

Thus, we are overthrowing the control of the parasites, and we are doing so by
making the natural pattern of parasite impossible. This is by making the
debate about truth instead of lies. In this environment the parasite will not
be able to operate, as no one will willingly enslave themselves when asked to
openly instead of by trickery.

We shall aim to break no laws that our people are currently subject to!
However, we shall seek every legal loophole; for this is a fight for survival,
and loopholes are how their legal system are designed and employed against us
anyway (see your tax adviser for details). We are a sovereign nation, and we
have no duty to respect such utterances of tyrants we did not agree to follow;
however, we believe the best path forward is that of moral goodness ? for
every reason ? with one invaluable benefit being that then we may trade and
deal with other nations, as any nation does. We will do no harm, and thus no
adversary can openly oppose us on the world stage without revealing to the
world that they are the evil ones. It will be as hard to attack us as it was
for the British to attack Gandhi! This is part of the extreme beauty of such

Every ENTITY that wants its sovereignty and its right to exist may join. For
every such entity is an inherent ally of each other. We are allies against the
parasitical entities that usurped mankind's freedom and are intentionally
force integrating (hybridizing) the human races together in an orchestrated
genocide of human diversity in order for their own parasitical species to rule
the resulting remnant.

I am starting this. I know what to do and see the end as inevitable. Join me,
and together we will be humanity transcending the current stone age corrupt
system of control. Humanity is destine to be free.

Membership is open to everyone. It is a meritocratic democracy. We define this
roughly as everyone's vote is equal to their total contribution to the nation.
This contribution can be in the form of money (that is how tax works,
voluntarily), but more powerfully in the form of anything you do that furthers
the cause or is in alignment with decided direction of our nations. At the
core of the system is the distributed consensus protocol which allows all of
humanity to judge the individual contributions, thus self regulating the
entire meritocracy. The consensus is fractal in nature. There is a global
level, and then there are more local levels at every level people have more
than one opinion. Decisions that only affect the local physical space are more
the jurisdiction of those who are located there than anyone else. The system
allows groups to solve conflicts with truthful debate instead of war and lies.
There is not ever a global consensus, dictating. There is no dictatorship of
the majority. The view is through your own trust model. People do what their
client software calculates what they should do based upon the distributed
consensus projected through the their own web of trust. You control your web
of trust fully. We are building a permanent world wide encyclopedia powered by
the consensus protocol (https://morph.is). This replaces centralized corrupted
wikipedia, and is how we will distributively collaborate on what our
constitution shall be. I have no say in anything more than any other member,
only what trust I earn in the system. If I am false, you recall me instantly
in real time, or form your own faction. Even divided we are united in our
common purpose of building up the new system to enable our coexistence without
war despite any such disagreements. I want nothing out of this for myself
other than to live in a world without necessary evil, and to know that all
humanity will be safe from the risk of enslavement by parasites for the rest
of eternity. I will lead you all as far as you need me. However, I do not seek
to be a dictator. The system we are building does not allow for it. I am
simply the campaign manager ? for the unified human consciousness that is all
of us. Join me, let us together revolutionize the world!

Ultimately we are building a technology to enable humanity to reach consensus
in an up to real time distributed manner using incorruptible digital
communications (eventually quantum cryptography). This will allow all people
and all races to come to consensus with all available truth presented to every
single last individual in all honesty and power of all humanity combined. With
this technology we will come to consensus with how to share the earth as we
also use it to build out to the stars. The universe is likely infinite ? with
the trend of technology finding ever more inhabitable regions ? thus it won?t
be hard to for us all to share it.

How will this all take place? Read the book Atlas Shrugged. You have been lied
to. Her philosophy is not pro-unlimited-greed. She makes a clear distinction
between good-greed (inventor of better technology who did it to for their own
enjoyment that can?t help but have benefits to society) and the looters
(Enrons, Microsoft, Politicians, crony-capitalism with back room deals making
regulations to stifle competition, Etc.). Atlas shrugged is not just the
culmination of the author?s philosophy. It is a proposal for how to
successfully have a non violent revolution in our current system (of rule by
lies and exploitation, Etc). Her proposal is absolutely the way to go. We are
building Atlantis. We are liberating from the rest of the world every
producer, hard worker, and all those who are not looters and moochers. As the
rest of the world collapses under its own corruption, we will roll on out over
top of them. Realize that the book is the author's plea for someone to come
along and implement what she realized is the best way. She only needed someone
to invent the technology to make possible Atlantis. In her book it was a new
engine and a cloud projector (cloaking device) which hid the physical location
of Atlantis. The only difference from her book, is that in the real world,
Atlantis is instead physically distributed, and thus it is hosted in the
cloud, and yet the cloud is us, for it is 100% P2P. The technology is the
software we build (https://morph.is) and eventually the physical global mesh
network Atlantis rolls out over the planet to take away the ability of other
entities to kill-switch humanities new unified consciousness.

There is also a 3 part movie of Atlas Shrugged. While it did not have the
funding of the LOTRs, it appears to have honestly tried to convey the main
idea, although it leaves out some important logic in my opinion. If you aren?t
going to read the book, then at least watch the movie. After you read the
book, you won't be able to help but notice: it is indeed how the world wide
revolution is already happening!

I will finish with what I believe to be the best formulated argument against
the ongoing genocide which is being done to my species. It is also being done
to others?. It is a truth that is being repressed, and the real struggle is to
articulate the truth in a form that is not defeated by the brainwashing of
primed trigger words and forbidden topics. Please spread this, so that our
people have a better argument than what is being used. Please spread the idea,
that we must unite all races against those who wish to erase race (other than
their own). Here is what I have come up with so far:

HOW DO YOU GENOCIDE A SPECIES? Simple! First, brainwash the population to stop
breeding! Tell it that the world is over-populated, children are work instead
of joy, Etc. Attack the population's prezygotic isolation by removing the
geneflow barriers that are the discriminating immigration laws of their own
countries. Make sure to call the species' desire to exist racist! Brainwash
the population to hybridize with the foreign genetics you flood into their
lands. Subsidize the invasion by providing it with welfare, affirmative action,
backing of the law, media promotion, and media protection, Etc. Fund it by
taxing the victim population, reducing their fertility with economics. Make
sure to use your ownership of the media and education systems to call any
individuals resisting hybridization racist nazi hatemongers! Make sure to
suppress all news of the rape and pillage so as to keep the victim species as
oblivious and unable to resist their genocide as possible!

Amish, Armenians, Congolese, Falun Gong, Japanese, Jews, Kurds, Palestinians,
Tibetians, Ukranians, Yazidis, every prezygotically isolated species, even
hybrids; every entity that believes in its right to exist, and respects that
of others; we are all ALLIES against the genocidal globalist parasites! There
are infinite planets for us to share; let us fight the parasites, and then
colonize outwards instead of each other!

Everything here is open to the Atlantis Democratic Process. I am starting the
revolution; but it is for everyone. Help me to shape it into what we all want
and what will get humanity to the STARS!

Signed: Sam Maloney ? April 29 2016

Last Updated: May 18 2016

Email: sam2015@???; Dmail: samc8bgcpk83coj1t997ifn3wwq13dsc

[Moderate edits from alpha1, but so far mostly just added explanation, logic,
and vision. (alpha14:edits; added tower of babel argument.)]


More of my related philosophy at: reddit.com/r/NationOfAtlantis

Obviously soon to be self hosted :) No more reddit :)

Let me know what you all think!

Sam Maloney