:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Turkish state is com…
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Skribent: Özer Tayiz
Dato: 2016-06-25 19:59 -000
Til: System undo crew
Emne: Re: [unSYSTEM] Turkish state is committing a genocide every day
Is anyone here is paid by Ocalan, (or CIA or Mossad behind KCK/PKK) to
spread terrorist separatist propaganda? Or are you supporting a fascist
dictatorship out of good faith for baby killer Ocalan?

I don't spread propaganda, but the truth as I see it.

Feel free to challenge them if you disagree. Cite your own resources if you
don't like mine.

Do your own research about what happens to Kurds that disagree with Ocalan,
or Kontra-Gel military hierarchy if you don't believe me.

See out of all countries and territories, that Kurdish people have a
significant population, which countries accept refugees, and which
countries these refugees originate from.

I don't see any Kurdish people from Turkey leaving Turkey. I see many
Kurdish people from Iran, Iraq, Syria and others flocking to Turkey to seek

Your attempt to shame me into a double-blind has simply failed.

I support neither Erdogan nor Ocalan.

They both run violent centralized hierarchies.

What part of this do you guys refuse to understand?

*lol* And here I thought hacker/anarchist community would be filled with
smart people, capable of making a rational argument.

All I see is personal insults, shaming language and ad hominems against me.

On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 4:44 PM, Tim Patrick <judoman589@???> wrote:

> Özer Tayiz, does the Turkish Government pay you to spread their propaganda
> or do you do it out of good faith for your corrupt imbicile president
> Erdogan?
> On Saturday, June 25, 2016, Amir <amir@???> wrote:
>> Jesus, you're also denying the German holocaust?
>> Özer Tayiz:
>> > Because there is no German based evidence about
>> > what really happened in Holocaust.
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