:: Re: [unSYSTEM] The day the Hacker C…
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Skribent: Cristina [efecto99]
Til: unsystem
Emne: Re: [unSYSTEM] The day the Hacker Community Died
On 20/06/16 13:32, psy wrote:
> Hey,

> Cristina, is curious that I know that famous sec-community guy that you
> mentioned on your email and have heard his version of the events with
> you. I would like to hear yours so we can take a clearer position.

what is curious Epsylon, is that you know me since more than 5 years.
In fact we both know each other before that sec-person even become on
the security scene: you knew "his version of the events" (that happened
1 year ago), and you speak up NOW, on-this-list, and not before to me to
ask me about it?
Then i am tempted to think you didn't care a shit about my version.

Its curious because:

1. as you heard him, knowing me and having the opportunity to contact me
privately, you didn't do it. What a huge respect you have for the
victim! or with his only version you assumed he was the victim? Why then
you care about mine?

2. I didn't mention his name here, nor any other characteristic of his
person beside his professional area, nothing that could identify him:
Why are you mentioning there here publicly, (again)?
Why are you "challenging" me to talk about it "in public" (again) when
you could ask me in private as "you know both of us"?

3. As i didn't mention his name or things than could identify him, its
OBVIOUS I couldn't take any advantage of his dubious fame, then i don't
see the point on confront him on a mailing list.
I see all you are doing as a provocation to me, as you could talk to me,
as i myself did it in the past SEVERAL TIMES with you, some of them with
success, some not, but i never asked you to invite "the other person" on
YOUR case to confront your version.

4. i didn't ask for a blackmail (o bloqueo, no de mails, sino de
persona) of him: I only defended myself of his threats.
Because the threats came from *his* side, not mine.

He told me -during his attack- he "will tell everybody that i am an
schizophrenic, thief, bitch (that adjective was the most used), trash
person" (o "tú eres una basura" en castellano), than "HE would go to the
Police to tell them to expel me from Spain because *shit like you can be
allowed on this country* ".
And that he would call my boyfriend to tell him that i was "fucking with
a lot of people as i was a whore" (on those 4 days in Europe: i had to
be very busy btw to be able to have as much sex...).

In fact after i could scape from him, he indeed sent a message to my
boyfriend that same day! YES! the man who was sharing his life with me
during years, night and day! telling him, that "he [my boyfriend] didn't
know me, and then he [this person] needed to tell him who i really was"
that "she is a mad person: don't believe *any* thing she could tells you".

You CANT imagine his face, or maybe yes: because you know him too.

In fact he wanted to take a plain to catch him from his ass, because
they *know each other*, we were having dinner together, on our home, on
his family home.

Epsylon: I have a lot of private emails with you. I told you a lot of
times how i cared about you even until last year, even after all the
things you know I will not mention here.
I gave you the opportunity to have a civilized relationship with me, but
THIS proposition is the climax. (el colmo, en castellano).

I understand you can be having a bad time, you could being victim of an
unfair attack, or you could be very busy and that makes you loose the
perspective of some things...

but i remember you: you will not challenge me.

I will not enter on a dispute ¡on a mailing list! with someone who took
the time to defame my name after wanted to have sex with me and got a
NO, destroyed my belongings, insulted me, caused me a deep trauma.

I still shake knowing i could see him in any event any day and "of
course" i didn't ask to any-Con-organization to ban him. (something that
in fact he fears a lot: that was his mobile to write AGAIN to my
boyfriend to stop the possibility of being banned from CCC, and talked
to any person we have in common *to warn them* about me! and i still
have to deal with this, and I have no list of people he *warn* about my
dangerousness: I am discouvering them since 1 year every time any of
them decide to tell me).
No, I didn't mention his name to the organizers there in August last
year and I m not doing it now.

I hope because I still feel some love for you, that you have the decency
to remain in silence in my case. I don't want more problems with you
Psy, I was more than careful about you all this time and I hope you
understand now that this is not a joke, is delicate, and i will not
going forward about it.


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