:: Re: [DNG] (no subject)
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著者: Rainer Weikusat
日付: 2016-06-20 13:42 -000
To: dng
題目: Re: [DNG] (no subject)
Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> writes:


> On page Page 34 Exercise 1-9
> "Write a program to copy its input to its output, replacing each
> string of blanks one ore more blanks by a single blank."
> I wrote the following, tested it, and seems to work, but I think it is
> too complicated. Any suggestions?
> --------------------------
> #include <stdio.h>
> int main()
> {
>   int c, d = 0;
>   while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
>     if (c != ' ') {
>       d = 0;
>       putchar(c);
>     }
>     if (c == ' ' && d == 0) {
>       putchar(c);
>       d = 1;
>     }
>   }

> return 0;
> }
> ----------------------------

Conventional approach using a state variable:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    int c, blanks;

    blanks = 0;
    while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
    if (blanks) {
        if (c == ' ') continue;
        blanks = 0;
    } else
        blanks = c == ' ';


    return 0;

Less conventional approach using a function pointer as state variable.

NB: This is really overkill here but very helpful in case of (much) more
complicated state machines.

#include <stdio.h>

static void put_a_char(int);

static void (*process_char)(int) = put_a_char;

static void skip_blanks(int c)
    if (c == ' ') return;

    process_char = put_a_char;

static void put_a_char(int c)
    if (c == ' ') process_char = skip_blanks;

int main(void)
    int c;

    while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) process_char(c);

    return 0;