:: Re: [Libbitcoin] Libbitcoin v2 Debi…
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Autore: Police Terror
Data: 2016-06-19 19:41 -000
To: libbitcoin
Oggetto: Re: [Libbitcoin] Libbitcoin v2 Debian packages available for testing
It sounds good. Whatever you're comfortable with.

I added details of the packages to here:


You probably know best whether your work should go into libbitcoin-build
or a new repo. But you should clean it up, and combine the ansible and
libbitcoin-packages work, then merge it.

That would be good for visibility and getting people to test.

I wouldn't make a branch. You can instead use git tags.

Anyway it looks great. So, should where should bugs for the packages go
in the future? -build or -packages?

Pablo Castellano:
> Hey,
> I have uploaded the build scripts to this repository:
> https://github.com/PabloCastellano/libbitcoin-packages
> Feel free to include them in libbitcoin-build if you want.
> Here is also an Ansible playbook I did to set up a libbitcoin server easily:
> https://github.com/PabloCastellano/ansible-libbitcoin
> Both repositories are now linked from the Resources section in
> https://wiki.unsystem.net/en/index.php/Libbitcoin/Repositories
> So far I've done all the packaging work in the "debian" and "ubuntu" branches in my own fork.
> Now for ease of future maintenance I propose you that we do the following changes:
> - Merge my debian branch with libbitcoin's master
> - Keep a debian branch that points to the latest version of the package that can be built.
> And everytime there's a new release, I will update the debian branch.
> What do you think?
> Regards,
> Pablo.
> El 19/06/16 a las 14:18, Police Terror escribió:
>> You know those gists you posted with build scripts. Can you commit them
>> to one of the libbitcoin repos?
>> Maybe this one https://github.com/libbitcoin/libbitcoin-build
>> Also where should people send debpkg bug reports? What do you think of
>> the libbitcoin-build Issues tracker?
>> The current Ubuntu 16.04 for me is failing with:
>> $ bx help
>> bx: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libbitcoin-explorer.so.0: undefined
>> symbol: _ZN10libbitcoin7network9handshake11unspecifiedE
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