:: Re: [unSYSTEM] The day the Hacker C…
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著者: Caleb James DeLisle
日付: 2016-06-17 17:47 -000
To: System undo crew
題目: Re: [unSYSTEM] The day the Hacker Community Died
I was thinking all of the different thoughts like you at the beginning.
I spent 2 or 3 days compiling a repository of all of the (non-anonymous) accusations I could find.
I'd appreciate if you could spend 5 minutes to read it, if you maintain your opinion then I respect it.



On 17/06/16 19:18, jamileh s.t. wrote:
> Whilst it's clear Jacob pushed boundaries/assaulted several women does not also mean that government agencies have not also tried to further smear him. On that website with the anon accounts several sounded legit(Isis one) and several sounded hastily thrown together and the nick farr account is kind of silly. I can also imagine agents within tor spreading rumours which may be true but get people like nick fired up. Anyhow obviously also forces on Jacobs side will do what they can to control
> narrative and say they are exaggerated also.
> On 17 Jun 2016 6:11 p.m., "Bruno Gola" <brunogola@??? <mailto:brunogola@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 7:09 PM, Özer Tayiz <otayiz@??? <mailto:otayiz@gmail.com>> wrote:

>         And while I don't know about the particulars of the accusation or incident, as soon as I hear "a prominent hacker is accused of sexual misconduct" I immediately assume false allegation. Nowadays disagreeing a feminist online is considered a crime. The simplest "throw mud at someone" tactic these days.

>     sorry, but you are wrong.

>         On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 12:05 PM, Özer Tayiz <otayiz@??? <mailto:otayiz@gmail.com>> wrote:

>             Why don't you fuck off yourself?

>             Here is a perfectly safe space for you:

>             http://static8.depositphotos.com/1343665/820/i/950/depositphotos_8205615-Mental-hospital-padded-room-from.jpg

>             On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Caleb James DeLisle <cjd@??? <mailto:cjd@cjdns.fr>> wrote:

>                 fuck off

>                 On 17/06/16 19:00, Özer Tayiz wrote:

>                     Are you trying to concern troll hacker community?

>                     What do you suggest? "see something, say something" policies to rat out each other to authorities?

>                     *lol* go sell your crazy somewhere else.

>                     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6ctpr5znM4

>                     On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 7:37 PM, Cristina [efecto99] <efecto99@??? <mailto:efecto99@riseup.net> <mailto:efecto99@riseup.net <mailto:efecto99@riseup.net>>> wrote:

>                          On 16/06/16 21:00, Tim Patrick wrote:

>                              I don't think one bad apple (no pun intended) should spoil the entire bunch. The hacker/journalist/leak community will still be a open, progessive, tolerant community even with a few nasty people in it.

>                          1. "ONE" apple?

>                          2. +: accomplices & abettors are responsible for that, too

>                          3. "The hacker/journalist/leak community will still be a open, progressive, tolerant community": HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>                          Tell me another joke.

>                          You both, as a lot of people from "our community", still need to wake up.

>                          I suspected that this email fron Caleb would collect these kind of answers, but i didn't think they would be so naive.

>                          Cristina (99)

>                              On Thursday, June 16, 2016, Caleb James DeLisle <<mailto:cjd@cjdns.fr <mailto:cjd@cjdns.fr>>cjd@??? <mailto:cjd@cjdns.fr> <mailto:cjd@cjdns.fr <mailto:cjd@cjdns.fr>>> wrote:

>                                  At the beginning of June 2016, news broke that a prominent member of the Hacker/Journalist/Leak
>                                  Community had become the target of multiple serious allegations of sexual misconduct. I was aware
>                                  of certain aspects of this person and after reading the accounts, certain things *clicked* for me
>                                  which I had not seen or could not perceive before. If this person had acted alone, lead a
>                                  double-life and secretly done terrible things, I might never have cared to collect this information.
>                                  The most painful realization was that these things could never have been done alone, at every step
>                                  of the way the Community *had* to have protected him, covered up the stories and shushed the
>                                  victims. This event lead me to the tragic realization that the Open, Tolerant and Progressive Hacker
>                                  Community of which I believed myself a member - was no more than a figment of my imagination.
>                                  It is fair to say that in my heart I believe the victims, but I have chosen to maintain this
>                                  repository with the highest level of impartiality that I can, so I might sleep at night even if I am
>                                  proven to be wrong.

>                         https://github.com/cjdelisle/JakeGate
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>                          --
>                          Esta comunicación puede ser ilegalmente recogida y almacenada por la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad de los EEUU (NSA) + otras, en secreto y no. bla bla bla: si a esta altura no sabes, lee https://wikileaks.org/

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>     --
>     Bruno Gola <brunogola@??? <mailto:brunogola@gmail.com>>
>     http://bgo.la/

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