:: Re: [DNG] Installer Devuan Jessie 1…
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Autore: emninger
Data: 2016-06-15 16:32 -000
To: dng
Oggetto: Re: [DNG] Installer Devuan Jessie 1.0 fails
Am Wed, 15 Jun 2016 01:26:45 +0000
schrieb <emninger@???>:

> i Florian! I tried it that way but it did not work. I was prompted by
> the msg that libjson-c2 does not exist. May be it's provided by
> another package but i did not succeed in finding it out :-(
> In the meantime, i tried another way: The instructions of devlfanboy
> on th git for a minimal installation. That went thru fine, but
> unfortunately, there seems to be something left of the old &
> completely corrupted installation that was on that disk before (a
> rest of grub).
> In the end i made it by lilo -M /dev/sda mbr.
> But now there is another problem: Seems there are lost all the shadow
> passwords, both, for root and user. Is there a way to re-establish
> them? Please keep in mind, i'm a simple user, eh ... ;)
> Thanks in any case for your patience.

In the end i gave up.

It was possible, and even easy to delete the root password, then i
could log in, use startx etc. Also adduser to add a normal user with
user-id 1000.

But then, booting i always get an error on fsck

'fsck exited with error code 8'

With Ctrl-D i could continue to boot, but the / volume was in read only
mode. By

'mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda3 /'

i could get it back into read-write mode. But it's only for one session
the fsck error is back on any boot.

But, searching the web for the error code of fsck i saw it seems
something systemd related which needs patches here and there and i
decided to give up. It's already nearly 2 days i'm fighting with this
problem, and enough is enough.

Someone knows about a clean and simple way to install devuan?