:: Re: [DNG] LXC template for Devuan
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Skribent: Jaromil
Dato: 2016-06-13 06:23 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] LXC template for Devuan


On Mon, 13 Jun 2016, Simon Walter wrote:

> I've made an account on git.devuan.org (user: smwltr) How do you want to do
> this? Shall I fork your repo and apply a patch and then send you a pull
> request?

we can create a group (named lxc?) and make you admins for it, or
simply a single project as there may be no need for more packages.

i'm cc: hellekin to stimulate a quicker response on what should be the
naming scheme, since so far it has been curated with great attention
to be meaningful. to me it makes sense to have something like
'virtualization-' as a prefix for repositories like lxc, but I'm also
not sure what else would fall in there.
