:: Re: [DNG] package request
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Autor: emninger
Fecha: 2016-06-10 12:58 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] package request
Am Fri, 10 Jun 2016 14:36:05 +0000
schrieb dng-request@???:

> > Would it be possible to package palemoon for devuan?
> Are there a reasons for that?
> I use palemoon myself on Devuan. Just downloaded their bundle and
> opened in /opt/palemoon, set the bin in PATH and ready for use. It
> also notices me for upstream updates.
> I'm open to debate, but personally incline (for this and other
> packages) to concentrate on the maintanance of a *core*, *base* Devuan
> system and leave to individuals and downstream maintain a bigger set
> of packages for specific uses.

Hi Jaromil!

Yes - and no ;)

If i succeed in my attempt with jwm, i'd like to set palemoon as
default browser; it's a bit hard if there is no package ...

But for sure, it's correct what you say about keeping the core packages
as small as possible. OTOH, i for one, would not mind if
icewease/firefox would be substituted even in core by palemoon ... ;)
(It's what i did, individually; after havin tried for a while both in

Thanks in any case for your effort & cheers!