:: Re: [DNG] resolved
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著者: KatolaZ
日付: 2016-06-07 21:28 -000
To: dng
題目: Re: [DNG] resolved
On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 05:31:18PM +0100, Simon Hobson wrote:
> KatolaZ <katolaz@???> wrote:
> > Despite being originally intended as a "guerrilla weapon" (and RMS and
> > the others were very careful at designing it), copyleft is indeed the
> > only way to keep free software free, forever.
> Indeed.
> I've heard a few descriptions of RMS - most of them uncomplimentary. Having met him, I can see why many people dislike him - he does come across very much as the stereotypical geek with no social skills (mind you, me writing that does involve a certain amount of "pot, kettle, black" - fill in the rest !)
> I can understand his POV, though I'm very much in the pragmatism camp and use a mix of free and closed software. But, I respect his position - and I respect the fact that without people like him, we would not have the freedoms we have now. That's important to remember.

My point was not at all about RMS. My point was about copyleft. Now we
can divert the discussion as far as we want, but I was expressing *my*
point of view, not the point of view of RMS.

And my point is that we already have a powerful weapon to use against
any power that wants to give a too-tight-hug to the free software
community, and that weapon is called *copyleft* (not RMS, which would
be quite a cumbersome weapon to wield anyway, given the mass involved



[ ~.,_  Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ - GLUGCT -- Freaknet Medialab  ]  
[     "+.  katolaz [at] freaknet.org --- katolaz [at] yahoo.it  ]
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