著者: Simon Hobson 日付: To: dng@lists.dyne.org 題目: Re: [DNG] Init compatibility (was: SoylentNews discussion)
Florian Zieboll <f.zieboll@???> wrote:
> i was not talking about replacing sysvinit's shellscripts, but suggest
> to implement a routine that creates them "on the fly" on installation
> of a new daemon, from /one/ init-independent "meta" configuration file,
> packaged with the daemon.
OK, my experience in this is limited, but whenever I've seen a "conversion routine from language A to language B" setup - the restrictions on language A (to avoid the parser being chronically complicated) are severe and the output in language B is "not user readable". I wonder if it would actually be easier to write the different init scrips/definitions manually - thus using the best features of each system without the compromises of shoehorning it al into one common meta script.
I can see a case for doing automated conversions on "simple" and generic cases, but I can't help thinking that many would be better done by hand.