:: Re: [DNG] Debian 8 Jessie can be in…
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Autor: Jaromil
Data: 2016-05-31 05:43 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Debian 8 Jessie can be installed without systemd.
On Tue, 31 May 2016, Edward Bartolo wrote:

> I despise software lock-ins, therefore, I cannot accept a project like
> systemd that infiltrates everywhere and that makes many assumptions on
> how I run my OS basing on what the clueless often expect. I want my
> setup as I want it to be including vital parts of the OS.

OK. and yes Irrwan is right the article is old. I've seen other Debian
wiki documentation making the same argument, but with a warning sign
at least, so their documentation is honest enough. Still they don't
acknowledge the existance of Devuan anywhere, giving me visions of an
ostrich with its head into a spiraling hole in the ground.

> Jaromil, I do NOT advocate Systemd & Co. I have in the past painfully
> experienced software lock-in when I was still using Borland's Delphi.
> Delphi started to be exorbitantly priced. Furthermore, since Delphi
> was a Windows program, Borland expected one to upgrade hardware in
> the manner MS Windows sheeple do. I understood the trap, and refuse to
> thread onto it resulting into myself not being able to code for
> several years. This forced me to learn C and C++ on my own.

how funny, we have a similar story back then. I also refused to go the
Delphi way, which costed me a lot more than money. I was pair coding a
with a good friend of mine, but then he went the Delphi way and we
split. I was mostly into Pascal and ASM at that time, then for a
higher language I choose for the Watcom C compiler and it was a good
choice to go the C way, which lasted longer and has grown wider.

Later on when I discovered GCC to be a mature compiler I switched to
that and never left it ever after. I'm even wary of LVM and all its
shiny new features, because I really trust the GNU C/C++ compilers to
be properly licensed and always very reliable.

My friend today is also into F/OSS, he works for Zend on the PHP
interpreter. So, seen from a later perspective, Delphi was really a
pricey waste of time.

> Long Life REAL Software Choice! That is why I contributed to Devuan
> with my time, effort and energy. I did NOT want wifi users being
> locked in through NOT being able to install a network manager as a
> result of refusing to use systemd.

you are right, your contribution is relevant.
Cheers to that - with a coffee mug, and good morning!
