:: Re: [DNG] Evince
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Szerző: aitor_czr
Dátum: 2016-05-24 14:50 -000
Címzett: Rainer Weikusat, dng
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] Evince

El 24/05/16 a las 16:12, Rainer Weikusat <rweikusat@???> escribió:
> It means that any binding of some symbol is globally visible during the
> dynamic lifetime of the scope which established it instead of being
> restricted to code which is lexically contained in this scope.
> Contrived example for that:
> ; function returning the current value of x + 1
> ;
> (defun 1+x () (1+ x))
> -> 1+x
> ; function which binds x to the value passed as argument and
> ; then invokes 1+x
> ;
> (defun 1+v (v)
>    (let
>        ((x v))
>      (1+x)))
> -> 1+v

> ; set x to 15
> ;
> (setq x 15)
> -> 15
> ; call 1+v with argument 4
> ;
> (1+v 4)
> -> 5
> ; call 1+x in the global environment
> ;
> (1+x)
> -> 16
> This can be executed via*scratch* buffer which does Lisp evaluation
> upon C-j. I've marked the lines showing return vaues with ->.
> 'Lexical scoping' (which works the way 'local variables' usually work in
> other languages) didn't exist in the 'Lisp world' until Scheme came to
> be.

This thread isn't related with evince... It's related with emacs and
lisp. So, can we change the subject of the thread to something like
Emacs and Lisp? :)

