:: Re: [DNG] How to change default ses…
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Emne: Re: [DNG] How to change default session
Am Tue, 24 May 2016 07:27:11 +0000
Irrwahn <irrwahn@???> wrote::

> I tried that a few days ago, and got some ... umm ...
> "interesting" results. I just tried that again on a clean
> VM install (dropped a one-liner for ~/.xsessionrc) and at
> first it did indeed look better. However, after exiting from
> jwm immediately the (default) lxde session came up, and I
> had to in turn log out of that to return to the DM (lightdm
> or slim, either one).
> On second thought that's not surprising, so I added exit 0
> to .xsessionrc, e viola: exiting from jwm dropped me back
> to the DM. *However*, I am not entirely convinced that
> method has no other drawbacks besides the obvious flaw that
> I now can no longer log into another session type by
> selecting it in the display manger. Clearly more hacking
> is needed here! And all that just to keep a deprecated,
> broken display manager. But, oh well! :P

That's interesting: Just guessing in the dark (me, eh, not you capable
persons!) there might be also my problem with the logout (which happens
from time to time). Apparently, it looks like the logout does not get
to an X process resting blocked there. So, i tried your "exit 0".

Now, i wanted to ask - a probably very dumb question:

.xsessionrc or .xinitrc (what's difference? .xinitrc is used/needed to
do "startx" (i.e. start X without a login manager), correct? How otoh i
would make slim point to .xsessionrc ?

Just to try i edited both identically:
xrdb -merge .Xresources
setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
exec jwm
exit 0

It seems to work for starting X via startx. For slim i would have to
change the login command this way:

login_cmd           exec /bin/bash -login ~/.xinitrc


@ Irrwahn: Your keyboard setting to have the forced break of an
xsession seems to not be respected though (?)

What am i doing wrong? Or, might there be an alternative to set that
keyboard command in the startup of JWM? I looked into the startup of my
old fluxbox/crunchbang desktop and there i have:

# Only run fbxkb when there are more than 1 available layouts
setxkbmap -query | grep "^layout:" | sed "s/^layout: *//" | \
    grep -q "," && [ -x /usr/bin/fbxkb ] && fbxkb &

Would that be, ceteris paribus, transposable, in some way, to jwm
to have the Ctrl+Alt+Bksp... (?)