著者: aitor_czr 日付: To: KatolaZ CC: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] Devuan Minimal Live Images -- Update
El 23/05/16 a las 18:57, KatolaZ escribió: > Hi Aitor,
> thanks a lot for spotting that:) Indeed, we are using only
> initrd_devuan_micro.img at the moment. I have checked that the amd64
> version does not have it, and I will remove the unneeded one from the
> i386 image. Since it is xz-ed, this will reduce the whole image disk
> footprint by a good 6.8MB:)
> Thanks
> KatolaZ
Mmmmh..., i still didn't test it. I only uncompressed the
filesystem.squashfs, but i suspect that this initrd will produce a
kernel panic. The system will find a file named initrd.img-3.16.0-4-586,
and it doesn't exist.