:: Re: [DNG] sudo or su?
トップ ページ
著者: R. W. Rodolico
日付: 2016-05-22 20:49 -000
To: dng
題目: Re: [DNG] sudo or su?
The big thing for me about Ubuntu, etc... is not the fact they use sudo
a lot, it is that by default they do not allow root login at all. If the
/home partition has problems, you must login as a user, then sudo to
root, then attempt to dismount /home and work on it, which will not work
since /home has files open (since you logged in as a user with a home
directory in /home). So, I have to boot off some other media to do
repair work on /home (or fix the login)

sudo vs su is an interesting decision to make, but not allowing root
login is a matter of too much security to get your job done.


On 05/22/2016 02:34 AM, Lars Noodén wrote:
> On 05/22/2016 12:38 AM, Paweł Cholewiński wrote:
>> Read this
>> http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/35338/su-vs-sudo-s-vs-sudo-i-vs-sudo-bash
>> Paweł
> That's a good comparison with sound analysis but looks like it tries to
> use sudo just as if it were su. They are very different tools with very
> different use-cases.
> There are two main advantages of sudo which almost never get mentioned
> as too many systems *cough*ubuntu*cough*mint*cough* are set up to allow
> 'sudo -i' by default: One advantage of sudo is that control can be
> granted in a highly granular way. Specific programs with only specific
> options can be made available to specific users. Another advantage is
> an all but unknown auditing system which shows which account did or
> tried what and exactly when. See 'sudoreplay' for that.
> As far as default settings go, instead of defaulting to
> %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
> I'd raise the bar, with a default sudoers something like this:
>   %sudo ALL=(ALL) /usr/bin/apt-get update, \
>         /usr/bin/apt-get install [A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*, \
>         /usr/bin/apt-get remove [A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*, \
>         /usr/bin/apt-get autoremove, /usr/sbin/visudo ""

> Maybe in a future version of Devuan, some changes to sudoers can be
> considered.
> Michael W Lucas has had very useful presentations on sudo:
>     https://www.bsdcan.org/2014/schedule/attachments/283_2014-04-29%20sudo%20tutorial%20-%20bsdcan%202014.pdf

>     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0purspHg-o

> but his book 'Sudo Mastery' is even more useful. IMHO it's not that
> sudo is any harder than most other utilities, it's just that common
> misuse has gotten the herd heading off in the wrong direction.
> regards,
> /Lars
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Rod Rodolico
Daily Data, Inc.
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