:: Re: [DNG] sudo or su?
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Auteur: Paweł Cholewiński
Date: 2016-05-22 18:28 -000
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [DNG] sudo or su?
Hi, could You send screenshot?

W dniu 22.05.2016 o 21:46, Sadegh Sadegh pisze:
> Hi
> I can't use terminal at my Devuan 1.0 beta lxde 64. I see this " Your name -sad- is not on system.
> Streng. Please help me.
> 22.05.2016, 14:48, "KatolaZ" <katolaz@???>:
>> On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 07:22:44AM -0300, Fernando M. Maresca wrote:
>>> On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 11:08:47AM +0100, KatolaZ wrote:
>>> > My solution has always been to keep users and root *separate*,
>>> > avoiding sudo altogether, and to ask myself to wear an appropriate
>>> > "magic-shiny-hat-with-green-glitters-and-silver-triangle-on-top" (that
>>> > I keep on my desk) whenever a part of myself has to become root and
>>> > perform a configuration task. I know that whenever I am wearing the
>>> > "magic-shiny-hat-with-green-glitters-and-silver-triangle-on-top" I
>>> > have to put extra care on whatever I do, since a mistake could cause
>>> > the regular users of my system (including the other part of myself) to
>>> > suffer unnecessary pain and disruption.
>>> >
>>> > No automagic tool can save you from your own stupidity. You need a
>>> > system administrator to manage your linux box, and investing a bit of
>>> > time in training a part of yourself for that task, and 2$ in buying a
>>> > "magic-shiny-hat-with-green-glitters-and-silver-triangle-on-top" is
>>> > really worth the effort, and the price :)
>>> very +1
>>> and keep in mind: real men do everything as root and don't make
>>> backups :)
>>> I think sudo main advantage is to grant certain administrative
>>> privileges to junior sysadmin or regular users, without to reveal the
>>> root password.
>> sudo is undeniably handy when administration is shared among several
>> admins, but in those cases it should be used with extreme care. I know
>> of real situations when one of the sudoers was allowed to edit
>> /etc/sudoers, and left the machine unusable by other admins due to a
>> syntax error in /etc/sudoers...
>> Again, tools are just tools, and can't be replacements for policy and
>> knowledge.
>> If one has to use something like sudo, I prefer the approach of
>> simpler tools, in the same spirit of "sup"
>> https://git.devuan.org/jaromil/sup).
>> My2Cents
>> KatolaZ
>> --
>> [ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
>> [ me [at] katolaz.homeunix.net -- http://katolaz.homeunix.net -- ]
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