:: [DNG] ..booting an old Sid->Ceres p…
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Autor: Arnt Karlsen
Fecha: 2016-05-18 14:24 -000
A: dng
Asunto: [DNG] ..booting an old Sid->Ceres past runlevel 1... no login joy

..I'm overlooking something silly stupid, my last Debian Sid box
didn't wanna boot sysv anymore, possibly because I held systemd
firmly at version 228-6 and booted it up from sysv, enough is
enough, right? ;o)

..the last coupla days the thing would only boot sysv in runlevel 1,
everything else runlevels S, 2-5 and even "systemd recovery", fails.

..so I did a Devuan conversion. Like most Debian users, I rarely
install boxes, this Sid->Ceres laptop I istalled back in 2007, in
the good old days when sysv did its thing slow enough to let me
see and learn a wee bit of WTF it did on boot-up.

..some Statoil etc astro turfers decided I was important enough to
keep busy in post-Groklaw litigation, so I missed the finer systemd
novelty and showdown, it didn't mess up too badly, I made my deadlines,
I had wire when netmanager killed wifi, and pulseaudio was merely
an harmless 8 month annoyance.

..now having thrown out all the systemd crud I see mentioned here at
DNG, I'm still left with runlevel 1, the damned thin will only accept
root's passwd on the console, I can start and run ssh and X etc all
day, and it works all nice except I have my password rejected once I
try a login.

..exactly how is a Devuan boot supposed to work these days?
And what systemd crud could could my logins?
And what logs do I check these days?

..last time I had this laptop this bogged down, I simply wiped
/etc/rc2.d/ clean and made it lean, does anyone have a lean
Devuan machine so I can see /etc/rcS.d/ and /etc/rc2.d/ listings?

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
Scenarios always come in sets of three:
best case, worst case, and just in case.