Am Sun, 15 May 2016 12:00:01 +0000
schrieb Irrwahn <irrwahn@???>:
> As I already mentioned in an earlier message, I need the
> non-free catalyst fglrx driver, which for reasons beyond my
> knowledge is currently not available in neither testing nor
> unstable. So I pull that one from Jessie.
> Even though my kernel issue is resolved, thanks to your earlier
> hint, I am keeping the 3.16 Jessie kernel around as a fallback
> option, just in case.
> Since the Devuan devs are currently throwing all their power
> at getting the Jessie release in shape, some packages in Ascii
> are lagging behind. (Examples: qemu-system-* still depends on
> libpng12, which is only available from Jessie proper; upower
> depends on a version of libimobiledevice4, which is not in
> Ascii.) I expect such issues to go away naturally some time
> after the Jessie release.
Thanks for the lesson, it's not annoying, at least not for me ;)
Just one practical question: I notice the fglrx problem as well. How
can i add it to my repositories? Reactivating Jessie?
There would be the way to download it manually from the debian site and
install with gdebi or apt, wouldn't it?