:: Re: [DNG] dealing with wifi
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Skribent: Joel Roth
Dato: 2016-05-15 11:01 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] dealing with wifi
On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 09:27:17PM +0200, emninger@??? wrote:
> Am Sat, 14 May 2016 17:07:06 +0000
> schrieb Didier Kryn <kryn@???>:
> >      You have mostly two ways to deal with wifi.

> >
> >      1) you select the station and enter the key everytime you
> > connect. 2) your system remembers the ssid's and keys of all stations
> > you need and it connects you automatically - this is called
> > wifi-roaming.

> >
> >      I think wicd matches the first case only.

> >
> >      AFAIU, ceni allows you to either work according to the first
> > method or make the basic configuration of wpa_supplicant for the
> > second method, something you can also do with a text editor. There
> > are many howtos on the web, search for the following 3 keywords
> > "wifi" "roaming" "wpa_supplicant".

> >
> >      wpa_supplicant may or may not invoke the dhcp client, depending
> > on what it reads in /etc/network/interfaces.

> >
> >      Hope this helps.

> >
> >                                      Didier

> First of all merci!
> If it is about roaming (i.e. memorizing the ssids whereto the computer
> was connected, if i'm getting you right), then, wicd does that job.
> If you configure wpa_supplicant with ceni (which also does the job for
> wired connections, btw) then, the wifi connection on the next boot is
> started *BEFORE* the login screen.
> I'll check a bit and see, how in the end i'll configure the
> connections. Principally, to avoid wicd from starting automatically
> i'll have to pull out the wicd script out of /etc/init.d/ , correct?
> BUT: should there be a service "wpa_supplicant" in /etc/init.d/ ?

Actually wicd takes care of starting wpa_supplicant.

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Joel Roth